User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is designed to ensure that the end users of an application are satisfied that the newly created or re-designed app works as expected at the end user level.
Functional effectiveness and the ease of use and ability to navigate the application are prime considerations during the UAT phase.
UAT directly involves the intended users of the software. Implementing UAT is accomplished by making software available for a free beta trial on the internet or through an in-house testing team comprised of actual software users.
A general path to conducting an effective UAT is as follows:
Determine which test cases to use for UAT: Test cases are designed to cover all the functional scenarios of the software in real-world usage.
Select the UAT team: Ideally, the team will consist of actual end-users, along with some software testers or business analysts.
Execute test cases: The UAT team executes the designed test cases, along with some ad-hoc testing. Software defects are logged within a defect tracking tool, such as JIRA.
Development fixes defects: Developers respond to the problems found during each iteration of UAT and modify the code to resolve each defect.
UAT Sign-off: When all defects are resolved, the UAT team formally accepts (or recommends acceptance to the project manager) the software application as developed. The approval shows that the application meets user requirements and is deployable.